Wellness – The Word of the Year 2020

Welcome to the start of a new year and a new decade! 2020 is open for so many possibilities! Instead of setting new year's resolutions though, why not select a word of the year instead? I read recently that almost 80% of people do not stick to their new years resolutions. I find that resolutions … Continue reading Wellness – The Word of the Year 2020

Why you need to start monthly family meetings

Do you regularly make time to sit down and chat as a family? Nathan and I recently started monthly family meetings, after seeing the idea on Pinterest. I initially wondered if they would be worthwhile with only the two of us. Three months in, I definitely think family meetings are beneficial for any family. So … Continue reading Why you need to start monthly family meetings

Teaching Children LGBT Awareness 

Here at Mum and Son Adventures, we tend to focus on fun family moments but also moments that bring out the best values in a child/mum. Todays post is something I couldn't hold back my thoughts on as teaching kids to be understanding of others is so important to me. There has been a lot … Continue reading Teaching Children LGBT Awareness 

Blogmas: 12 good deeds of Christmas for all the family

'Tis the season to be kind and charitable! 🎄 The festive season is the perfect time to complete some good deeds and acts of kindness for others. It is something you can get all the family involved in. Last year, Nathan's elves brought him a '12 good deeds of Christmas' challenge to carry out in the … Continue reading Blogmas: 12 good deeds of Christmas for all the family

Firewalk Volunteering with Inspire

This Bonfire night, we both volunteered with local Aberdeen charity, Inspire. I love supporting charities and I often involve Nathan, with this too. I think it's important to raise children to think of others and be willing to help those less fortunate than themselves. Nathan certainly has these values built in to him already and … Continue reading Firewalk Volunteering with Inspire

Experience more, buy less

Here at Mum & Son Adventures, we LOVE a fun happy experience. In this post we are discussing the happiness gained from experiences rather than material things and ways in which you can adopt this way of thinking in your life. Looking after our personal wellbeing (and our kid's) is so important, especially in the … Continue reading Experience more, buy less

Acts of Kindness: The A-Z list

It is so important to be kind to one another... The world can always do with a little more of this, especially when we are surrounded by negative news stories so often nowadays! "How beautiful a day can be, when kindness touches it." - George Elliston Let's focus on all things good and kind and … Continue reading Acts of Kindness: The A-Z list

10 ways to have a happy summer

Summer has so much potential to be the happiest season – sunshine, holidays, BBQ’s and much more! You can surround yourself with all the best friends, family, food and fun! Here are my top 10 suggestions to ensure you have the happiest summer you can: • Don’t compare yourself to others For example, someone else … Continue reading 10 ways to have a happy summer