Family life: Week one of lockdown & home schooling

In the UK, we have just reached the end of our first week in lockdown due to the Coronavirus. We are working from home, we are home schooling and we are adapting to a new way of family life while trying to stay safe. I haven't posted on my blog since the 8th of January. It's … Continue reading Family life: Week one of lockdown & home schooling

Conversations with children: What’s down there?

[GIFTED - Please note we were gifted 2 complimentary books published by Ruby Tuesday Books which feature in this post] As parents we can often shy away from discussing certain topics with our children. This could be because we don't know how to answer their questions with age appropriate responses. Or simply because it makes … Continue reading Conversations with children: What’s down there?

Why you need to start monthly family meetings

Do you regularly make time to sit down and chat as a family? Nathan and I recently started monthly family meetings, after seeing the idea on Pinterest. I initially wondered if they would be worthwhile with only the two of us. Three months in, I definitely think family meetings are beneficial for any family. So … Continue reading Why you need to start monthly family meetings

Simple family fun does not need to be perfect

Do you ever find yourself wondering if your efforts are good enough? I am willing to bet almost every mum (and human) reading this has felt this way at least once in their life! Sometimes we want to provide the best family fun experiences for our children, but we lack the time, money, skills or … Continue reading Simple family fun does not need to be perfect

A-Z of Parenting

Thank you to Tired but crafty Mummy for nominating me to take part in the A-Z of parenting challenge. There are so many aspects of parenthood, both positive and not so positive, which I have tried to outline with every letter of the alphabet. Adventures Of course this had to be included as we love … Continue reading A-Z of Parenting

Teaching Children LGBT Awareness 

Here at Mum and Son Adventures, we tend to focus on fun family moments but also moments that bring out the best values in a child/mum. Todays post is something I couldn't hold back my thoughts on as teaching kids to be understanding of others is so important to me. There has been a lot … Continue reading Teaching Children LGBT Awareness 

Children’s Birthdays: 5 fun ways to give presents

Sometimes having a happy birthday is less about what presents we receive, and more about all the little details and personalised celebrations. For children, that moment when they first see their presents and their birthday celebrations begin should be magical! I love surprising Nathan on the morning of his birthday. In this post, we are sharing … Continue reading Children’s Birthdays: 5 fun ways to give presents

10 thoughts when your child is almost 10 years old

Double figures - 10 years - a decade... I know it is so cliche to say but where has the time gone?! How can my little boy be away to turn 10 in a few days! As parents, or at least for me anyway, our child's birthdays can be a slight mix of emotions. It's … Continue reading 10 thoughts when your child is almost 10 years old

#10yearchallenge – A look back to 2009

I'm sure many of you will have seen the #10yearchallenge in some format or another going around social media in the last couple of weeks. The hashtag trend has especially taken off on Instagram with 3.6million posts so far! Even celebrities are getting involved. Many are using the hashtag to share photos of themselves from … Continue reading #10yearchallenge – A look back to 2009

Blogmas: Christmas as a Mum

Christmas is a pretty different experience once you become a parent... In a good way... Perhaps a little more stressful but definitely also more enjoyable! The magical celebration aspect of Christmas comes back... You now get to see Christmas through the eyes of a child. It's a totally different perspective and a rather lovely one. … Continue reading Blogmas: Christmas as a Mum