Family Cooking – Schwartz Chicken Casserole [AD]

We are really getting in to the colder months now which means we need a little comfort food to keep us going. So this calls for a cosy family day in, cooking a delicious chicken casserole. This is exactly how we spent our Saturday last weekend. [AD - sponsored and gifted collaboration with Schwartz] Nathan … Continue reading Family Cooking – Schwartz Chicken Casserole [AD]

Create your own: Search and find photo book

With Christmas fast approaching, are you looking for a fun homemade gift idea? Last Christmas, we created a unique personalised photo book for family members. It wasn't just your standard photo album though, we created a search and find book... think Where's Wally mixed with a game of hide & seek with your kids. What … Continue reading Create your own: Search and find photo book

Children Cooking: Chicken Lasagne Recipe

Do your kids get involved in cooking meals with you? Cooking is an important skill to learn and can be a fun & creative activity to do together as a family. Nathan sometimes cooks with me and now that he is 10, he can take the lead in preparing meals himself with minimal help. His … Continue reading Children Cooking: Chicken Lasagne Recipe

Review: Pop Up Monkey

We recently tried out a NEW paper craft toy from Milly and Flynn called the Popup Monkey which launched on Amazon today! [AD - Gifted] We received the item complimentary to try out & give feedback. We have then chosen to add a review to MumandSonAdventures because we liked it so much. What is Pop … Continue reading Review: Pop Up Monkey

Review: The Weekend Box

Are you ever stuck for ideas on what to do with the kids over the weekend? Perhaps the weather is rubbish and you need to entertain them at home? Well the Weekend Box may be what you're looking for! [AD - Gifted] We we're kindly sent a free box to review here on Mum & … Continue reading Review: The Weekend Box

Halloween: Paint your own Pumpkin design ideas

Is it even Halloween if you don't carve or decorate a pumpkin in some way?! It's a fun family activity... even if you are not a big fan of Halloween! Carving a pumpkin with a unique look can be quite tricky so why not paint a fun character design instead? Painting can also be a … Continue reading Halloween: Paint your own Pumpkin design ideas

Roald Dahl Day Dinner

Did you know that the 13th of September is Roald Dahl Day? The 13th of September would also have been his birthday. Unfortunately, he passed away in 1990 however his books live on from generation to generation. Is there anyone who hasn't enjoyed one of his stories (after all there are over 30 published) from … Continue reading Roald Dahl Day Dinner