Conversations with children: What’s down there?

[GIFTED - Please note we were gifted 2 complimentary books published by Ruby Tuesday Books which feature in this post] As parents we can often shy away from discussing certain topics with our children. This could be because we don't know how to answer their questions with age appropriate responses. Or simply because it makes … Continue reading Conversations with children: What’s down there?

Family reading with Tommy Turner’s Battle For Yorintown

Do you enjoy sitting down to read books together as a family? We do but I will admit, we don't do as much reading as we should. However, Tommy Turner's Battle for Yorintown by Ali Seegar has captured both mine and Nathan's attention this summer. We have been intrigued to continue reading. The story follows … Continue reading Family reading with Tommy Turner’s Battle For Yorintown

Night Zoo Keeper: Creative Writing for Kids

Do you want to inspire a love of reading, writing and creativity in your child? Nathan and I, have recently started exploring the world of the Night Zookeeper which does exactly that! It is fun, educational AND keeps the kids entertained for hours - it's a parents dream!! [AD - Gifted a complimentary 3 month … Continue reading Night Zoo Keeper: Creative Writing for Kids

Review: Owlet Press Children’s Books

What better way to spend a cold November evening than snuggled up with your little ones reading books! So, when we were kindly sent two books from Owlet Press last week, we were pretty happy! [AD - Gifted] We were gifted 2 books from Owlet Press in exchange for a blog review - all views … Continue reading Review: Owlet Press Children’s Books