About Us

Hello! Thank you for visiting the Mum & Son Adventures blog.

Mum – Louise

Son – Nathan

About Mum & Son Adventures 

Mum & Son Adventures writers - Louise and son Nathan

Mum & Son Adventures is a UK family lifestyle blog.

You will find lots of family fun ideas, solo parenting posts and thoughts on raising happy & kind kids. Written by a 30 year old Scottish Mum with an 11 year old son.

We are probably most active over on our Mum & Son Adventures Instagram Account – we would love if you joined us there!

Louise and Nathan being silly

Please get in touch if you would like to work with us – we especially love to review family fun ideas on here or Instagram!


On occasion the Mum and Son Adventures blog may receive compensation for blog posts. This can include sponsored (paid) posts or gifted items and complimentary days out.

ALL views always remain our own personal honest opinion, regardless of any compensation received (gifted items/event tickets, payment etc).

Any collaborations and partnerships will be declared at the beginning of each relevant blog post or Instagram post with [AD] and further details – to align with ASA regulations.