Halloween: Paint your own Pumpkin design ideas

Is it even Halloween if you don’t carve or decorate a pumpkin in some way?!

It’s a fun family activity… even if you are not a big fan of Halloween! Carving a pumpkin with a unique look can be quite tricky so why not paint a fun character design instead? Painting can also be a great option for younger children.

My son (Nathan) and I, enjoy both carving and painting our pumpkins. So we are sharing examples of characters we have made to give you a little inspiration. Although bare in mind, our examples are not Pinterest perfect… have you seen some of the beautiful homemade items on there?! We are a little more cheap and cheerful and very much about the activity being fun rather than creating perfectly elegant designs!

Jack Sparrow

Nathan LOVES Johnny Depp and Jack Sparrow is one of his favourite characters that Depp plays. He owns a variety of Jack merchandise and last year dressed as a skeleton Jack Sparrow for Halloween – so of course we had to create a pumpkin version of the character! Complete with eyeliner!

Jack Sparrow painted Halloween pumpkin design

Anger (From Disney’s Inside Out)

This one is a fun character, even if my paining skills are questionable! Why not pick your favourite colourful character from the film to recreate this halloween!

Anger painted Halloween Pumpkin design

Ninja Turtle

This design is from a few years ago when Nathan had a big Ninja Turtle obsession! We added on a mask for that added effect rather than just painting it on. Think about any props you have from previous costumes that you could use for your pumpkin design.

Ninja Turtle Halloween pumpkin design

A Princess sugar skull

This one turned out so much creepier than I had planned some how! Sorry if this gives you nightmares!!

We added little pink gems (using glue dots) on to this one for a touch of sparkle. We also popped the Tiara on the top too – adding little accessories adds that extra touch of fun to your pumpkins.

Princess sugar skull Halloween pumpkin

Recently, we found a ‘paint your own Christmas Baubles’ set in Home Bargains and decided to turn them in to little Halloween decorations instead. We painted a little pumpkin and Jack Skeleton design on them.

Paint your own Halloween decorations - Pumpkin and Jack skeleton

10 more character ideas for your pumpkins:

  • Shrek
  • Darth Vadar
  • Spider-Man (or other superhero)
  • The Joker (Batman)
  • A Zombie
  • Sully or Mike (Monsters Inc)
  • Minion
  • Coraline (add buttons for eyes)
  • Frankenstein
  • Anyone from Hotel Transylvania

I hope you have a fun Halloween and if you do paint a pumpkin, let us know what design you make in the comments.

Paint your own pumpkin ideas for Halloween pumpkin designs

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